Monday, March 14, 2011

Weed defined!

What makes a weed? A wanted plant can become a weed if there are too many seedlings and the crowding makes the rest unhealthy. The over-zealous papaya seedlings were thus weeded out though I am not sure I chose the right ones to survive. I guess in the wild they would have weeded themselves out. The picture above is of the casualties of over-population!

The 3 new plants are lime, limau perut and pomelo planted in their respective spots. The pomelo is still looking sickly but hopefully when I use Irene's organic fertilize on the leaves they will improve in colour.

This ornamental plant has sentimental value. Originally from Indonesia more than ten years ago, it is quite hardy and the few times the shoots died off due to my neglect, they resurfaced when the conditions improved :) I even have a pet name for it "Batu Bulan" which means moonstone in Malay.

I really hope that my garden will rock soon - that is, the rock melon seedlings here will survive and give me the "rocks". For the record I threw these seeds into the ground about ten days ago. The seeds were from the juiciest sweetest rock melon I had eaten in a long time. I hope they are fertile seeds and have not been genetically modified at the original farm to prevent propagation.

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