Tuesday, March 29, 2011

In the morning ......

the plants once again look invigorated, ready to reach for the skies and grow and grow and grow ......

The winter melon plant is thriving but I wonder how is it that the newer part of the stem is thicker than the oldest part of the stem. I always thought that plants are thickest at their base.

The ginger is growing strong and the shoots are really flourishing, so the tuber must be expanding underground.

Infestation of the turmeric leaves seemed to have been brought under control but I guess I must continue to be vigilant in spraying the leaves with the organic pesticide.

The light and dark sides of the pinto beans in the morning as they compete to take control of the fence.

The Batubulan plant is loving its new garden and it sits rather prettily on the batu giling, - must be enjoying being in the centre of things.

Last but not least, the local chilli I grew from seeds are also thriving next to the Thai Basil and their leaves look similar!

Overnight, the jasmine plant have been devoured by caterpillars as I have seen some yellow butterflies fluttering around my garden looking over the weekend. Sigh, what can I do to protect the plants for such natural predators - or I can just contribute to the life cycle of the butterflies by sacrificing non-essential plants.

More papaya seedlings were weeded out and two were transfered to the bad soil area to test if the soil has recovered.

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