Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Yeah! Yesterday I spent $117 for the soil and plants. That is on top of the initial soil and compost and some plants. I think all in I spent about $700 on the crops and earth!

What about the gate and fence and the preparation of the plot? I think my garden easily cost me $3,000! And that is not even counting my hard work and sweat! Why am I toting up now? Well, today I learnt a new word "hardscrabble" and decided to apply it to my situation :)

Extract from dictionary.com

[hahrd-skrab-uhl] –adjective
providing or yielding meagerly in return for much effort; demanding or unrewarding: the hardscrabble existence of mountainside farmers.

It got me thinking - that is a lot of vegetables and fruits, hahaha! But of course, I am just kidding. I think the returns cannot be measure in output only but in the total extperience.

Anyway, I rearrange the plants and distributed some of the earth and compost, leveled up the lower areas. I moved the mint to the open area closer to the turmeric as it is on higher ground because the moisture from the daily deluge have rotted the newly minted leaves that I was eyeing for a soup :(

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