Sunday, March 27, 2011


My chilli plant died - from soil poisoning, I think! Last weekend, I noticed that a bag of burnt earth seemed too sandy and not like the other bags. I think there was too much potash in it which proved fatal for my chilli plant, sob, sob! Two papaya seedlings and a winter melon next to the chilli plant were also affected but not as badly.

I cut away almost all the leaves of the turmeric because it was infested with little translucent moths and some black bugs. The roots are all right - so I figured the leaves should grow back soon enough.

I guess life goes on and today I planted some okra and snap beans seeds that I bought and hopefully seedlings will sprout by next weekend, in time for my next update.

The lime is fruiting bountifully and I took one lime to make juice. The lime is much bigger than what I usually get from the market and it is also riper - I wonder if it will be sweeter.

The winter melon has reached the top of the fence and maybe now it will climb along it. Its stem and underside of the leaves has very fine prickly spines that I painfully discovered today when I unknowingly grabbed them while installing my automatic watering system.

My trusty old watering system is put into service once again as the days seem much hotter now and I worry that my beloved plants wilt before I water them in the evenings if I were out. I will set it for about 4.30 and do the manual round in the mornings.

Lemongrass may grow roots easily but it looks like not all of them are going to survive - only two look alive and have grown some leaves. The leaves should smell nice.

The red capsicum seedlings which have grown somewhat were split into two clumps and planted near the tomato, which by the way is doing poorly with the leaves browning out. Maybe I should avoid getting water onto the leaves when I water the garden.

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