Thursday, March 31, 2011

The twine shall meet ....

and ... met they did! The pinto bean vines from the dark and light sides grew towards each other and twined around each other for support. Life has got a meaning after all!!!

As planned, I fashioned a short trellis out of the BBQ grill for the wintermelon searching for support along the fence. If this works, I am going to get some more grills to fix along the fence for the pinto beans and the old cucumber plants, and also for the rockmelon so as to increase the plot ratio of my garden which I estimate to be about 2.6 currently.

"What is plot ratio?" you may ask. It is a term used by the URA in Singapore to specify how much living space we can build on any plot of land. In my case, by using the fences as growth areas for the creepers, I have actually increased my garden's potential productive area by another 1.6 times.

BTW the 5 okra seeds have germinated and one of the snap beans too. I have quickly moved the okra seedlings further apart and surprisingly the roots are already quite deep. Wonder if the snap bean will grow as fast as the pinto beans too.

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