Sunday, March 6, 2011

Bruising Purple, Blistering Red

I believe colour is a portent of potency! Look at the chillies here - (above picture) and in the foreground of picture below. The colour of the chilli is what I'd call a bruising purple having changed from a apple green (background) and it will be turning into a stinging red soon. These chillies are HOT!

The tendrils of the climber cucumber plant grow on alternate sides and they pack a couple of flexible spring coils after it has attached itself firmly on the supporting bamboo stick to allow for stretching and to avoid breaking. Nature is the original engineer - I think we still have lots to learn from it.

Yesterday I had the pleasure of savouring these cherry tomatoes that I harvested in the morning. What "they" say about fruits being left to ripen on the plant taste better than those store-bought ones is TRUE! Never enjoyed cherry tomatoes as much. Store-bought ones are usually on the sour side. This is one good reason to grow your own. That is what I am trying to do in this tiny plot of mine. So many plants so little land :( They can also be grown in pots but they need lots of sunshine :)

P.S. The potato seedling has died :(

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