Monday, February 21, 2011

Mistaken Identity

Gosh! I was watering and weeding the garden this morning when I took a closer look at some seedlings that I thought were papaya as they were growing too slowly for papaya and found to my surprise that they are actually chilli! Must be local chilli because I ever threw some chilli seeds into the ground. I compared it to the chilli plant I bought - the leaves look similar. What a laugh - so much for me being a gardener, don't even know what I am growing, hahaha!

Harvested (I like this word, it sounds so grand :)) some chillies and ONE cherry tomato because I was going to fertilize the plants. Always harvest the ripe fruits or leaves before fertilizing because you don't want to eat the sh*#. Wouldn't you agree that the chillies are really of different species - rounded fat orange vs pointed slim red?

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