Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Growing, Growing, Growing

Planted more seeds of - a bean of some sort (the vegetable seller gave me 9 beans, I should have taken a picture of the pea pod - it is speckled white and dark pink legume; just googled and found out that they are pinto beans:)) and the red capsicum that is about to rot in my fridge. There are many strange seedlings growing all over the garden - many I recognize as weeds but some of them I have never seen. Should I just weed them out?

The plants are flourishing despite the very hot weather because I water them twice if they look wilted.

New chillies are spotted and there are lots more new flowers too. Strange that the flowers are of such innocent white - they bear fruits with such potent chemicals as to make one weep.

Transfered some of them into the ground - the winter melon, potato and chilli.

The papaya seedlings are growing like they are racing to reach the sky ahead of others (must remember to fertilize them tomorrow)

The Thai Basil has grown somewhat - must find a recipe that uses its leaves so that I can harvest some to eat. Oh, oh, when did I last fertilize it - can I take some to add to my pork fried with red capsicum for lunch today?

Beautiful underside of cucumber leaves!

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