Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I was right! The aloe was not happy at its spot - this morning when I dug it up to relocate it, there was hardly any new roots. Whereas when I took the red radish from the plastic pot that it was in to put into ground vacated by the aloe, there was an abundance of fine new roots trickling through the burnt earth.

There were some new shoots by the left side of the door where I threw some papaya seeds some 10 days ago but they look different from the other group of papaya seedlings. Got to see how they turn out ultimately - maybe they are just weeds passing by!

P.S. The mint smelled heavenly when I disturbed it while digging up the aloe!

P.S.2. The garlic in the pot are all sending up shoots - I think there are about 7 to 8 of them :)

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