Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Catching Up

Decided that maybe I should record my second garden adventure.

The first one with only ornamental plants had started off well but was subsequently neglected and ultimately tiled over.

This second garden of mine will be mainly for planting edible plants and I am rather ambitious. The plot is 11 ft by 6.25 ft with topsoil of about 8 inches. Hopefully this garden will do well and I promise myself that I will not neglect it.

I want to plant my own food - not that I will be totally self sufficient but at least I toil for my sustenance :)

Rats! They are a problem - I had a similar problem the last time. Anyways, Singapore has a growing rodent problem! Not good! From our squeaky clean image, no one will imagine that we have such a problem.

I spent a whole day trying to rat-proof my garden but it is slow going cos I can't hammer nails in too well and the sun was rather hot today. Got to continue tomorrow and maybe I will post some pictures.

I have planted some pandan leaves at a corner and some mint at another corner (the mint was from my neighbour). Recycled some kailan but the rats ate them. Also transfer a tumeric plant and the rats have started digging it - I have to finish the fencing tomorrow.

Some papaya seeds I threw in have sprouted and I stepped on them just now when working on the fence :(

P.S. I named this blog A Happy Garden because I actually feel happy albeit tired when I work at the plants and soil :0

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