Friday, January 28, 2011

Lots to Learn

This morning I met a neighbour who kindly told me that my usage of the Batu Giling (Grinding Stone) as a stepping stone is a big "NO, NO"! He said Hindus believes the spirit lives on in the stone. He advised me to just use it as a display stone. Goodness, I have been offending unseen forces, so sorry, forgive my ignorance! Made right my blunder immediately. Now my back door step is of red terra cotta tiles.

The chillies ripening beautifully - should I take a chance and use them or should I not for fear of chemicals that the nursery may have doused them with.

Look at the lovely tomatoes - the first one turning orange. Are they edible?

Garlic's ELEVEN new shoots in the ground. Hopefully I can grow them to whole cloves! Seems like they like "fish tea" - sounds too fishy for me. I will make do with compost but not chicken dung!

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