Sunday, January 23, 2011


Googled red radish nutrition and was surprised to find that it is actually quite nutritious especially the leaves which can be made into a salad! Part of the mustard family, the taste is rather sharp or so they say. Nutritious in being a good source for magnesium, and vitamin C (leaves). Leaves are seldom found in the market variety, so I guess if I can grow it successfully, getting to eat the leaves is going to be a bonus!

Planted the chilli, chilli tomato, jasmine and pineapple into the ground at noon just now. I suppose I am mad - cos my arms may get black spots :( under such hot sun. Now it is still looking sparse but must allow space for the plants to grow and fill up the space. Some of the chilli have ripened into a lovely RED!

The trimmed ;) pineapple is on left with the tumeric in foreground and pandan in the corner.

I think I should make foot paths with the tiles so that I don't go stepping on growing mint or seedlings.

Oh! I finally finished my compost bin on Sunday and now it is nice and cozy in a corner. Hopefully it works!

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