Monday, January 2, 2012

Did my garden tame me?

..... Or did I tame my garden? Did Chuan-tse dream that he was the butterfly or did the butterfly dream it was Chuan-tse? (for the butterfly story: ~ "transformation of things proved that differences between things are not absolute"!

Or is it as in "The Little Prince" by Antoine de Saint-Exupery, that in the process of taming between the rose and the little prince; and the little prince and the fox ~ relationships were transformed from being non-vested to being loved and being unique? And then there were the rituals of love that were necessary to create a sense of expectation and anticipation - as described by the fox!

I like the "taming" thingy in The Little Prince! I transformed the garden, and in the process it transformed me! I "tamed" the plants but I think ultimately "I was the one being tamed"! The garden rewards me now and then with produce that I can eat provided I do what it wants, like watering, fertilizing, weeding, and so on. Oh, what a thought!

But then, on the other hand, I tamed it, because by caring for it (like in The Little Prince's rose) my garden became unique and it is mine :)

Anyway, tomorrow my Happy Garden will be 1 year old! I will mark today - the last day of Year 1 with these pictures of the lime plant because this plant had almost died and now it is sprouting new flowers, has a lime that is growing bigger by the day, and it is sending out many new shoots.

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