Thursday, December 15, 2011

Absence makes the garden grow faster!

I was away for 11 days and when I came home the garden was almost unrecognizable!

The Okra plant were bent over from the weight of overgrown okras, the Thai Basil and Sweet Potato plants have ran amok, the bountiful turmeric has dried out because the batteries in the auto-watering system have died (I think) and the Dill looks set on growing into a tree - it is now about 5 feet tall.

And someone has pinched the bigger of my 2 prized Milk Fruit seedlings. I have moved the remaining plant into the secure fenced area.

On the brighter side, the sole custard apple has ripened on the plant and I harvested it and will savour it later today (hopefully it tastes good). For the record and future reference, the custard apple took 3+ months flower to fruit.

Two Bell Lilies have bloomed in tandem.

The Lime has flourished without signs of caterpillar attacks (because I sprayed some diluted Neem oil onto its stem before I left).

The rescued Kumquat plant has plenty of leaves and a few "Bird-shit" caterpillars but no flowers although it should bloom now and fruit in time for Chinese New Year 2012. Well, maybe next CNY in 2013.

The yam has also multiplied - I think there should be at least 3 yams growing underground now.

And the beet root has sprouted lots of leaves. Understand that the leaves are very nutritious.

Last but not least, one of my longest surviving pet plants (it reminds me of my dog-in-heaven, Humphrey) - the "Batubulan" plant is flourishing.

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