Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Not one but two .... !

This morning, I had planned to harvest that sweet potato I spotted two days ago but ended up with two instead. It was a surprise find - I noticed a bulge in the soil next to the ginger and I thought "wow, my ginger has really grown - maybe I can dig out some for cooking." But surprise, surprise, it turned out to be a sweet potato tuber and I am puzzled as to how it got there. It was pat against the ginger some distance from the first tuber I was going to dig out.

The sweet potatoes were very thin-skinned, different from the ones I get from the market. After washing off the soil, they looked such a raw pink. I will probably make some sweet potato dessert soup and maybe steam some for a salad too.

Actually, from the top view of my garden, I can see how profusely the sweet potato plant has grown (it has taken over the whole fencing along the back lane) and I think I will most likely find more and probably bigger tubers underground :))

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