Monday, November 21, 2011

Bursting sweetness!

This morning is a very happy morning - I was doing some overdue weeding in the garden and generally tidying up the loose pots and dead roots when I chanced upon a wonderful sight - a sweet potato tuber bursting forth from the ground. Honestly, I had no idea what the profusely conquering sweet potato creepers were doing underground! I was just hoping that they were as productive in the soil and I had pondered how to check for signs of the tubers.

Well, I didn't have to - because the plump tuber just showed itself to me this morning. Wonder when it bursted through the soil - I didn't notice it until this morning because it was camouflaged by the ginger plant and the pomelo. Now I have a question - should I harvest it soon before it gets too fibrous??

The tarragon has also grown profusely, overshadowing the rosemary - maybe that is why the rosemary is infested as there is not enough sun for it.

Here are two pictures of the yam plant for the record - first one is when I planted it, and now, sprouting two plants. I think I should at least get two tubers? No? :)

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