Saturday, January 7, 2012

Such a feeling ...!

Thinking of my garden gives me such a nice lovey feeling! And great satisfaction too! Because I just finished planting my precious custard apple in the ground before breakfast this morning.

Yesterday I uprooted and harvested all the sweet potatoes and ginger. I had replanted some of ginger closer to the fence but have decided not to renew the tenure of the sweet potato. Rather, I am making way for new species - some seedlings of the purple cauliflower have sprouted and I am waiting for the tomato and snap beans seedlings to show up too. By next weekend I hope to plant the cauliflower into the bed that I had prepared.

Another major task up ahead is to redo the auto-watering system. The weather has been so dry and hot this last week that some of my plants are suffering. (Will add pictures later)

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