Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Art

Close examination of the winter melon plant reveals images of the artistry of mother nature. The stamen centre of the male winter melon flower is so striking! It is so beautiful, don't you agree? Maybe I should make a big print of it and put it on my wall! The growing shoot and coil look ready to spring their anchorage hold on whatever support within reach!

The phallic-looking female winter melon flowers below in various stages of development. They are respectively - bud, almost blooming and a fertilized pod that had already grown 3 inches long.

I feel somewhat overwhelmed by the winter melon gone mad across the length of the fence and across the drain, wherever they could expand their territory. It is wild, just wild! I had to train some of the growing vines back into within the garden as I want to be able to harvest some of the winter melon for myself when they are fully grown.

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