Saturday, April 9, 2011

Finally, the flowers came

First it was the cucumber plant a few days ago and then, early this morning, I saw them - a big flower bud on the trellis! My, oh my! I counted 5 flowers and there were some more outside the fence. I was really taken by surprised although I have been looking out for them flowers. Somehow I missed them up on the rack and by this morning they are already quite developed!

The smaller yellow flowers of the cucumber plant!

The heavier winter melon flower bud!

Besides flowers, the winter melon is has rather graphically aesthetic leaves!

All it took was just one week for the winter melon to traverse the length of the fence and cover the trellises.

How the pinto beans have grown! I suppose they are the next candidate for flowering!

The okra seedling growing steadily - there are 5 of them. Hopefully they can give me a constant supply of lady's fingers or bendi as it is known in Malay!

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