Friday, January 21, 2011


Bought 1 chilli and 1 chilli tomato plant for $6.90 each from the nursery yesterday (growing them from seeds will take too long - but I will have to junk the first harvest cos they are coated with chemicals from the nursery) when I went to pick up another 20 bags of burnt earth and 4 bags (21L) of compost. The first round of 80 bags burnt earth and 15 bags of compost hardly fill up the plot.

Looks like my garden is safe from the rats for time being and the red radish is shooting up already. The mint is spreading too and I have transfered the 2 aloes from the pot into the corner.

Tomorrow I will have to start working on my compost bin so that in 3 to 6 months' time I can get organic fertilizer for the garden.

Gosh, I am so ambitious - I want to make herb-infused olive oil from my projected harvest from the garden using bay leaves, rosemary, garlic, chilli and tarragon (suggested by Constance). And maybe oregano! I will have to look out for tarragon and oregano on my next visit to the nursery.

Oh yes, my inspiration for this plan to make my own herb-infused olive oil dressing came from 3 nice Cognac XO bottles that look just right for dispensing herb-infused olive oil. 2 of the round one and 1 of Eiffel Tower. They look so nice don't they?

P.S. I wonder what chilli tomato taste like - I asked the nursery man if they can be eaten - he said yes, but people don't normally eat them - they are planted for ornamental reasons :O

P.S. 2. The pineapple plant is a dangerous one. My left arm was scratched by it - tomorrow I am going to trim off all the jagged tips (tips-for-tat HAHAHA!)

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