Monday, January 24, 2011

Can Eat or Not?

This is the question bothering me now! Are the plants I bought from the nursery ie. the tomato and the chilli plant only ornamental and non-edible? I googled - and managed to identify the chilli plant as Thai Hot but couldn't find an answer for the tomato plant :(

The red radish is growing fast - I must soon put it into the ground.

The mint has also really spread but I think the aloe is not too happy with its spot - I will move it to the opposite corner and put the red radish in its place.

My neighbour who gave me the mint gave me this Thai Basil this morning after I asked her for it. Gave me a whole pot but I just took 3 shoots and gave her back her pot after fertilising it with chicken dung. Actually it looked sickly and yellowed - my guess is that the sun was too hot where she placed it.

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