Thursday, January 27, 2011


Transplanted the garlic to the ground - wow the roots grow fast. Got to find out how to fertilize them.

Showed off to a new found friend my rudimentary garden - she advised to provide some shade for some of the plants. The pandan was smelling great and even the bay leaves are starting to smell better because of the fertilizer I added a few days ago. Imagine - from chicken dung to such fragrance :D:D

Planted the 3 sweet potatoes into the ground near the compost bin. Decided not to wait for the shoots to appear - I think they should do alright. Understand that they as prolific as weeds - in fact they might crowd out the other plants. That is why I put them in their own corner.

The funny looking seedlings are all sprouting out - totally unlike my expectations of what papaya seedlings should look like.

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