Sunday, July 31, 2011

Next Change!

The winter melon had to go to make way for other plants. Anyway after producing a second melon of 13 kg, the subsequent potential melons did not survive. I already have some pumpkin seedlings that I will plant in its place and I hope that they be able to produce some pumpkins in a few months time.

Meanwhile, I have been harvesting my okras one by one and this weekend I am going to have No. 6, 7 & 8 for dinner. :) There are 2 new flowers today and one tiny okra growing. Usually the okras have to harvested after 5 days after they flower to ensure that they are not too fibrous to enjoy. All five plants have produced at least one okra! And they are the best and sweetest okras I have ever eaten in my life, really!

Oh and I am so happy - after all these months of growing papaya plants, it has started to bear fruit, literally. This is the first fertilized female flower and hopefully it will grow to term and I will get my first taste of my own-grown organic papaya!

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