Thursday, April 14, 2011

Jingle, jangle, JUNGLE!

A few days ago, my sister asked me if my small garden will become jungle or not - well, it looks like it is heading there as you can tell from these pictures. I wonder if the winter melon will ever stop creeping! If, like in the story of sleeping beauty, the jungle took over and the prince had to cut through the trees and creepers, etc. I can imagine slashing my way through with a parang to reach the door .... hahaha!


The Okra row - slow and steady. I guess it will mean another crowd when they grow taller!

The mint pushing upwards - possibly a sign that it is not getting enough sun :(

Scrawny green bean, unlike the prolific pinto bean, but growing nevertheless!

Two new residents finally showed up - the pumpkin and the sweet potato! The sweet potato shoot was so well camouflaged that I almost missed it! Luckily I didn't step on it and kill it! :)

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