Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Rosemary, you ask

for so little, yet you give so much. I read on the internet that you don't need anything except a view (for the sunlight) and good drainage . You don't need much fertilizing, in fact you are contented with minimal! Yet, everyday when I look at you and touch you, you give out that lovely fragrance that brings a gladness that I have you on my window sill. :)

From one sprig of mint to a whole bed - maybe it is time for a minty soup. That will soon be my first real harvest for a dish!

I'm feeling like "Jack and The Beanstalk"! Another 6 of the pinto beans have broken through the ground, making a total germination of 7 out of 9 seeds. They grow real fast - yesterday's bean has overtaken the papaya seedlings in height.

One day's worth of growth - note the difference of the just-germinated bean in the foreground vs. the one-day old seedling in the background! Wow, 4 inches or more! I think whoever wrote Jack and the Beanstalk must have observed how fast beans grow and exaggerated it for a very imaginative children's story!

The chilli plant is looking explosive with about half the flowers shown here developing into chillies :)

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