Friday, February 11, 2011

One by One

Click on this group photo above to see who is who :))

These papaya seedlings decided to run riot and sprouted all at the same time. Last night didn't see them now so many shoots are poking out of the soil!

The onions grew in my absence and today I planted them in the ground. I always have this tendency to plant them deep but I remember reading somewhere that I should plant them in raised bed. Must remember that next time.

New flowers spotted on the chilli plant with many chillies ripening from green to yellow to orange to red!

The cherry tomato is still growing its fruits and some have ripened to bright orange. Maybe I can eat these to see if they are sweet.

BTW my radish died. Well, I guess I must really plant them from seeds. I will get some okra and radish seeds soon.

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